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RADIUS_EARTH_METERS - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.constants.GeometryConstants
The equatorial radius value in meters
RASTER_RESAMPLING_LINEAR - Static variable in class
(Bi)linear filtering interpolates pixel values using the weighted average of the four closest original source pixels creating a smooth but blurry look when overscaled
RASTER_RESAMPLING_NEAREST - Static variable in class
Nearest neighbor filtering interpolates pixel values using the nearest original source pixel creating a sharp but pixelated look when overscaled
rasterBrightnessMax(Float) - Static method in class
Increase or reduce the brightness of the image.
rasterBrightnessMax(Expression) - Static method in class
Increase or reduce the brightness of the image.
rasterBrightnessMin(Float) - Static method in class
Increase or reduce the brightness of the image.
rasterBrightnessMin(Expression) - Static method in class
Increase or reduce the brightness of the image.
rasterContrast(Float) - Static method in class
Increase or reduce the contrast of the image.
rasterContrast(Expression) - Static method in class
Increase or reduce the contrast of the image.
RasterDemSource - Class in
A raster DEM source.
RasterDemSource(String, URL) - Constructor for class
Create the raster dem source from an URL
RasterDemSource(String, String) - Constructor for class
Create the raster dem source from an URL
RasterDemSource(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
Create the raster source from an URL with a specific tile size
RasterDemSource(String, TileSet) - Constructor for class
Create the raster dem source from a TileSet
RasterDemSource(String, TileSet, int) - Constructor for class
Create the raster source from a TileSet with a specific tile size
rasterFadeDuration(Float) - Static method in class
Fade duration when a new tile is added.
rasterFadeDuration(Expression) - Static method in class
Fade duration when a new tile is added.
rasterHueRotate(Float) - Static method in class
Rotates hues around the color wheel.
rasterHueRotate(Expression) - Static method in class
Rotates hues around the color wheel.
RasterLayer - Class in
Raster map textures such as satellite imagery.
RasterLayer(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a RasterLayer.
rasterOpacity(Float) - Static method in class
The opacity at which the image will be drawn.
rasterOpacity(Expression) - Static method in class
The opacity at which the image will be drawn.
rasterResampling(String) - Static method in class
The resampling/interpolation method to use for overscaling, also known as texture magnification filter
rasterResampling(Expression) - Static method in class
The resampling/interpolation method to use for overscaling, also known as texture magnification filter
rasterSaturation(Float) - Static method in class
Increase or reduce the saturation of the image.
rasterSaturation(Expression) - Static method in class
Increase or reduce the saturation of the image.
RasterSource - Class in
Raster source, allows using raster tiles as source.
RasterSource(String, URL) - Constructor for class
Create the raster source from an URL
RasterSource(String, String) - Constructor for class
Create the raster source from an URL
RasterSource(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
Create the raster source from an URL with a specific tile size
RasterSource(String, TileSet) - Constructor for class
Create the raster source from a TileSet
RasterSource(String, TileSet, int) - Constructor for class
Create the raster source from a TileSet with a specific tile size
raw(String) - Static method in class
Returns a DSL equivalent of a raw expression.
REASON_API_ANIMATION - Static variable in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener
REASON_API_GESTURE - Static variable in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener
REASON_CONNECTION - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineRegionError
REASON_DEVELOPER_ANIMATION - Static variable in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener
REASON_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineRegionError
REASON_OTHER - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineRegionError
REASON_SERVER - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineRegionError
REASON_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineRegionError
recreate(String, Bitmap) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.IconFactory
Create an Icon using a previously created icon identifier along with a provided Bitmap.
releaseView(View) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap.MarkerViewAdapter
Release a View to the ViewPool.
remove() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.Annotation
Do not use this method, used internally by the SDK.
removeAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes an annotation from the map.
removeAnnotation(long) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes an annotation from the map
removeAnnotations(List<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes multiple annotations from the map.
removeAnnotations() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes all annotations from the map.
removeCompassListener(CompassListener) - Method in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.location.CompassEngine
Removes a CompassListener that can be used to receive heading and state changes.
removeCompassListener(CompassListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponent
Remove a compass listener.
removeImage(String) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes an image from the map's style
removeLayer(String) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes the layer.
removeLayer(Layer) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes the layer.
removeLayerAt(int) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes the layer.
removeListener(ConnectivityListener) - Method in class
Remove a listener
removeMarker(Marker) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Convenience method for removing a Marker from the map.
removeMarkerView(MarkerView) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.MarkerViewManager
Remove a MarkerView from a map.
removeOnCameraDidChangeListener(MapView.OnCameraDidChangeListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Set a callback that's invoked when the camera region did change.
removeOnCameraIdleListener(DingiMap.OnCameraIdleListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that is invoked when camera movement has ended.
removeOnCameraIsChangingListener(MapView.OnCameraIsChangingListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Remove a callback that's invoked when the camera is changing.
removeOnCameraMoveCancelListener(DingiMap.OnCameraMoveCanceledListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that is invoked when camera movement was cancelled.
removeOnCameraMoveListener(DingiMap.OnCameraMoveListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that is invoked when camera position changes.
removeOnCameraMoveStartedListener(DingiMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that is invoked when camera movement has started.
removeOnCameraTrackingChangedListener(OnCameraTrackingChangedListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponent
Removes a listener that gets invoked when camera tracking state changes.
removeOnCameraWillChangeListener(MapView.OnCameraWillChangeListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Remove a callback that's invoked when the camera region will change.
removeOnDidFailLoadingMapListener(MapView.OnDidFailLoadingMapListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Set a callback that's invoked when the map failed to load.
removeOnDidFinishLoadingMapListener(MapView.OnDidFinishLoadingMapListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Set a callback that's invoked when the map has finished loading.
removeOnDidFinishLoadingStyleListener(MapView.OnDidFinishLoadingStyleListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Set a callback that's invoked when the style has finished loading.
removeOnDidFinishRenderingFrameListener(MapView.OnDidFinishRenderingFrameListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Set a callback that's invoked when the map has finished rendering a frame.
removeOnDidFinishRenderingMapListener(MapView.OnDidFinishRenderingMapListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Remove a callback that's invoked when the map has finished rendering.
removeOnFlingListener(DingiMap.OnFlingListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that's invoked when the map is flinged.
removeOnLocationClickListener(OnLocationClickListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponent
Removes the passed listener from the current list of location click listeners.
removeOnLocationLongClickListener(OnLocationLongClickListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponent
Removes the passed listener from the current list of location long click listeners.
removeOnLocationStaleListener(OnLocationStaleListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponent
Removes the passed listener from the current list of stale listeners.
removeOnMapClickListener(DingiMap.OnMapClickListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that's invoked when the user clicks on the map view.
removeOnMapLongClickListener(DingiMap.OnMapLongClickListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that's invoked when the user long clicks on the map view.
removeOnMoveListener(DingiMap.OnMoveListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that's invoked when the map is moved.
removeOnRotateListener(DingiMap.OnRotateListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that's invoked when the map is rotated.
removeOnScaleListener(DingiMap.OnScaleListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes a callback that's invoked when the map is scaled.
removeOnShoveListener(DingiMap.OnShoveListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Remove a callback that's invoked when the map is tilted.
removeOnSourceChangedListener(MapView.OnSourceChangedListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Set a callback that's invoked when a map source has changed.
removeOnWillStartLoadingMapListener(MapView.OnWillStartLoadingMapListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Set a callback that's invoked when the map will start loading.
removeOnWillStartRenderingFrameListener(MapView.OnWillStartRenderingFrameListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Set a callback that's invoked when the map will start rendering a frame.
removeOnWillStartRenderingMapListener(MapView.OnWillStartRenderingMapListener) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.MapView
Set a callback that's invoked when the map will start rendering.
removePolygon(Polygon) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Convenience method for removing a Polygon from the map.
removePolyline(Polyline) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Convenience method for removing a Polyline from the map.
removeSource(String) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes the source.
removeSource(Source) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes the source, preserving the reference for re-use
RenderMode - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk.location.modes
Contains the variety of ways the user location can be rendered on the map.
RenderMode.Mode - Annotation Type in com.dingi.dingisdk.location.modes
One of these constants should be used with LocationComponent.setRenderMode(int).
renderSurfaceOnTop(boolean) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Set the flag to render the map surface on top of another surface.
requestRender() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.glsurfaceview.GLSurfaceViewMapRenderer
May be called from any thread.
requestRender() - Method in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.MapRendererScheduler
requestRender() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.textureview.TextureViewMapRenderer
reset() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.snapshotter.MapSnapshotter
resetNorth() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Resets the map view to face north.
resolveArgs(Context, Bundle) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.MapFragmentUtils
Convert a bundle of fragment arguments to DingiMapOptions.
resolvedLocale(Expression) - Static method in class
Returns the IETF language tag of the locale being used by the provided collator.
Resource - Class in
Resource provides access to resource types.
Resource() - Constructor for class
Resource.Kind - Annotation Type in
Resource type variants.
rgb(Expression, Expression, Expression) - Static method in class
Creates a color value from red, green, and blue components, which must range between 0 and 255, and an alpha component of 1.
rgb(Number, Number, Number) - Static method in class
Creates a color value from red, green, and blue components, which must range between 0 and 255, and an alpha component of 1.
rgba(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) - Static method in class
Creates a color value from red, green, blue components, which must range between 0 and 255, and an alpha component which must range between 0 and 1.
rgba(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Static method in class
Creates a color value from red, green, blue components, which must range between 0 and 255, and an alpha component which must range between 0 and 1.
rgbaToColor(String) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.ColorUtils
Convert an rgba string to a Color int.
rotate(View, float) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.AnimatorUtils
Animate a view rotation property to a value.
rotateBy(View, float) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.AnimatorUtils
Animate a view rotation property by a value.
rotateGesturesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Specifies if the rotate gesture is enabled for a map view.
rotation - Variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.BaseMarkerViewOptions
rotation(float) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.BaseMarkerViewOptions
Set the rotation of the MarkerView.
ROTATION - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.constants.TelemetryConstants
ROTATION_THRESHOLD_INCREASE_WHEN_SCALING - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.constants.DingiConstants
Value by which the default rotation threshold will be increased when scaling
round(Expression) - Static method in class
Rounds the input to the nearest integer.
round(Number) - Static method in class
Rounds the input to the nearest integer.
run() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.widgets.CompassView
runAllTests(String[]) - Method in class Main
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