- d(String, String) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.log.Logger
Send a debug log message.
- d(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.log.Logger
Send a debug log message and log the exception.
- d(String, String) - Method in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.log.LoggerDefinition
Send a debug log message.
- d(String, String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.log.LoggerDefinition
Send a debug log message and log the exception.
- deactivate() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.net.ConnectivityReceiver
Deactivates the connectivity receiver.
- deactivate() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.storage.FileSource
- debugActive(boolean) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Specifies the used debug type for a map view.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.camera.CameraPosition
- DEFAULT_SET_STORAGE_EXTERNAL - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.constants.DingiConstants
Default value for KEY_META_DATA_SET_STORAGE_EXTERNAL (default is internal storage)
- DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.BubbleLayout
- DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.style.sources.RasterDemSource
- DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.style.sources.RasterSource
- defaultMarker() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.IconFactory
Provides an icon using the default marker icon used for
- defaultMarkerView() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.IconFactory
Provides an icon using the default marker icon used for
- delete(OfflineRegion.OfflineRegionDeleteCallback) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineRegion
Remove an offline region from the database and perform any resources evictions
necessary as a result.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.MarkerOptions
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's
marshalled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.MarkerViewOptions
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's
marshalled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.PolygonOptions
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's
marshalled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.PolylineOptions
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's
marshalled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.camera.CameraPosition
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's
marshalled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLng
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLngBounds
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLngQuad
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLngSpan
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.ProjectedMeters
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.VisibleRegion
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable instance's marshaled representation.
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponentOptions
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineGeometryRegionDefinition
- describeContents() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition
- deselect(MarkerView) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.MarkerViewManager
Animate a MarkerView to a deselected state.
- deselect(MarkerView, boolean) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.MarkerViewManager
Animate a MarkerView to a deselected state.
- deselectMarker(Marker) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Deselects a currently selected marker.
- deselectMarkers() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Deselects any currently selected marker.
- Dingi - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk
The entry point to initialize the Dingi Android SDK.
- Dingi(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.Dingi
- DINGI_BANGLA - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.constants.Style
Dingi Bangla: A complete basemap, perfect for incorporating your own data.
- DINGI_ENGLISH - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.constants.Style
Dingi English: A complete basemap, perfect for incorporating your own data.
- DINGI_LOCALE - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.constants.DingiConstants
Default Locale for data processing (ex: String.toLowerCase(DINGI_LOCALE, "foo"))
- DingiConfigurationException - Exception in com.dingi.dingisdk.exceptions
A DingiConfigurationException is thrown by DingiMap when the SDK hasn't been properly initialised.
- DingiConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception com.dingi.dingisdk.exceptions.DingiConfigurationException
Creates a Dingi configuration exception thrown by DingiMap when the SDK hasn't been properly initialised.
- DingiConstants - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk.constants
DingiConstants exposes Dingi related constants
- DingiConstants() - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.constants.DingiConstants
- dingiMap - Variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.Annotation
- DingiMap - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
The general class to interact with in the Android DINGI SDK.
- DingiMap.CancelableCallback - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a task is complete or cancelled.
- DingiMap.InfoWindowAdapter - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an info window will be shown.
- DingiMap.MarkerViewAdapter<U extends MarkerView> - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
- DingiMap.OnCameraIdleListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when camera movement has ended.
- DingiMap.OnCameraMoveCanceledListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when the camera's motion has been stopped or when the camera
starts moving for a new reason.
- DingiMap.OnCameraMoveListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when the camera changes position.
- DingiMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when the camera motion starts.
- DingiMap.OnCompassAnimationListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked for when the compass is animating.
- DingiMap.OnFlingListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is flinged.
- DingiMap.OnFpsChangedListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a frame is rendered to the map view.
- DingiMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on an info window.
- DingiMap.OnInfoWindowCloseListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a marker's info window is closed.
- DingiMap.OnInfoWindowLongClickListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user long presses on a marker's info window.
- DingiMap.OnMapClickListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on the map view.
- DingiMap.OnMapLongClickListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user long clicks on the map view.
- DingiMap.OnMarkerClickListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on a marker.
- DingiMap.OnMarkerViewClickListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on a MarkerView.
- DingiMap.OnMoveListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is moved.
- DingiMap.OnPolygonClickListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on a polygon.
- DingiMap.OnPolylineClickListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the user clicks on a polyline.
- DingiMap.OnRotateListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is rotated.
- DingiMap.OnScaleListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is scaled.
- DingiMap.OnShoveListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the map is tilted.
- DingiMap.OnStyleLoadedListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the style has finished loading.
- DingiMap.SnapshotReadyCallback - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the snapshot has been taken.
- DingiMapOptions - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Defines configuration DingiMapMapOptions for a DingiMap.
- DingiMapOptions() - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Creates a new DingiMapOptions object.
- dingiTileCountLimitExceeded(long) - Method in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineRegion.OfflineRegionObserver
- dispatchDraw(Canvas) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.BubbleLayout
- distanceTo(LatLng) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLng
Calculate distance between two points
- division(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.style.expressions.Expression
Returns the result of floating point division of the first input by the second.
- division(Number, Number) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.style.expressions.Expression
Returns the result of floating point division of the first input by the second.
- doInBackground(File...) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.FileUtils.CheckFileReadPermissionTask
- doInBackground(File...) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.FileUtils.CheckFileWritePermissionTask
- DOUBLE_TAP - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.constants.TelemetryConstants
- doubleTapGesturesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Specifies if the double tap gesture is enabled for a map view.
- downcase(Expression) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.style.expressions.Expression
Returns the input string converted to lowercase.
- downcase(String) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.style.expressions.Expression
Returns the input string converted to lowercase.
- drawGlyphBitmap(String, boolean, char) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.text.LocalGlyphRasterizer
Uses Android-native drawing code to rasterize a single glyph
to a square Bitmap
which can be returned to portable
code for transformation into a Signed Distance Field glyph.