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calculateZoom(float) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.Projection
Calculates a zoom level based on minimum scale and current scale from MapView
CalledFromWorkerThreadException - Exception in com.dingi.dingisdk.exceptions
CalledFromWorkerThreadException(String) - Constructor for exception com.dingi.dingisdk.exceptions.CalledFromWorkerThreadException
camera(CameraPosition) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Specifies a the initial camera position for the map view.
CameraMode - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk.location.modes
Contains the variety of camera modes which determine how the camera will track the user location.
CameraMode.Mode - Annotation Type in com.dingi.dingisdk.location.modes
Determine the camera tracking behavior in the LocationComponent.
CameraPosition - Class in
Resembles the position, angle, zoom and tilt of the user's viewpoint.
CameraPosition.Builder - Class in
Builder for composing CameraPosition objects.
CameraUpdate - Interface in
Interface definition for camera updates.
CameraUpdateFactory - Class in
Factory for creating CameraUpdate objects.
CameraUpdateFactory() - Constructor for class
cancel() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.http.NativeHttpRequest
cancel() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.snapshotter.MapSnapshotter
Must be called in on the thread the object was created on.
cancelAllVelocityAnimations() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Interrupts any ongoing gesture velocity animations.
cancelRequest() - Method in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.http.HttpRequest
Cancels the request.
cancelRequest() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.module.http.HttpRequestImpl
cancelTiltWhileTrackingAnimation() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponent
cancelTransitions() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Cancels ongoing animations.
cancelZoomWhileTrackingAnimation() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponent
CannotAddLayerException - Exception in
Thrown when adding a layer to a map twice
CannotAddLayerException(String) - Constructor for exception
CannotAddSourceException - Exception in
Thrown when adding a source to a map twice
CannotAddSourceException(String) - Constructor for exception
ceil(Expression) - Static method in class
Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the input.
ceil(Number) - Static method in class
Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the input.
CheckFileReadPermissionTask(FileUtils.OnCheckFileReadPermissionListener) - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.FileUtils.CheckFileReadPermissionTask
CheckFileWritePermissionTask(FileUtils.OnCheckFileWritePermissionListener) - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.FileUtils.CheckFileWritePermissionTask
checkThread() - Method in class
Validates if layer interaction is happening on the UI thread
checkThread() - Method in class
Validates if source interaction is happening on the UI thread
checkThread(String) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.ThreadUtils
Validates if execution is occuring on the main thread.
chooseConfig(EGL10, EGLDisplay) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.egl.EGLConfigChooser
CIRCLE_PITCH_ALIGNMENT_MAP - Static variable in class
The circle is aligned to the plane of the map.
CIRCLE_PITCH_ALIGNMENT_VIEWPORT - Static variable in class
The circle is aligned to the plane of the viewport.
CIRCLE_PITCH_SCALE_MAP - Static variable in class
Circles are scaled according to their apparent distance to the camera.
CIRCLE_PITCH_SCALE_VIEWPORT - Static variable in class
Circles are not scaled.
CIRCLE_TRANSLATE_ANCHOR_MAP - Static variable in class
The circle is translated relative to the map.
The circle is translated relative to the viewport.
circleBlur(Float) - Static method in class
Amount to blur the circle.
circleBlur(Expression) - Static method in class
Amount to blur the circle.
circleColor(int) - Static method in class
The fill color of the circle.
circleColor(String) - Static method in class
The fill color of the circle.
circleColor(Expression) - Static method in class
The fill color of the circle.
CircleLayer - Class in
A filled circle.
CircleLayer(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a CircleLayer.
circleOpacity(Float) - Static method in class
The opacity at which the circle will be drawn.
circleOpacity(Expression) - Static method in class
The opacity at which the circle will be drawn.
circlePitchAlignment(String) - Static method in class
Orientation of circle when map is pitched.
circlePitchAlignment(Expression) - Static method in class
Orientation of circle when map is pitched.
circlePitchScale(String) - Static method in class
Controls the scaling behavior of the circle when the map is pitched.
circlePitchScale(Expression) - Static method in class
Controls the scaling behavior of the circle when the map is pitched.
circleRadius(Float) - Static method in class
Circle radius.
circleRadius(Expression) - Static method in class
Circle radius.
circleStrokeColor(int) - Static method in class
The stroke color of the circle.
circleStrokeColor(String) - Static method in class
The stroke color of the circle.
circleStrokeColor(Expression) - Static method in class
The stroke color of the circle.
circleStrokeOpacity(Float) - Static method in class
The opacity of the circle's stroke.
circleStrokeOpacity(Expression) - Static method in class
The opacity of the circle's stroke.
circleStrokeWidth(Float) - Static method in class
The width of the circle's stroke.
circleStrokeWidth(Expression) - Static method in class
The width of the circle's stroke.
circleTranslate(Float[]) - Static method in class
The geometry's offset.
circleTranslate(Expression) - Static method in class
The geometry's offset.
circleTranslateAnchor(String) - Static method in class
Controls the frame of reference for PropertyFactory.circleTranslate(java.lang.Float[]).
circleTranslateAnchor(Expression) - Static method in class
Controls the frame of reference for PropertyFactory.circleTranslate(java.lang.Float[]).
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.MathUtils
Test a value in specified range, returning minimum if it's below, and maximum if it's above
clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.MathUtils
Test a value in specified range, returning minimum if it's below, and maximum if it's above
clear() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Removes all markers, polylines, polygons, overlays, etc from the map.
coalesce(Expression...) - Static method in class
Evaluates each expression in turn until the first non-null value is obtained, and returns that value.
collator(boolean, boolean, Locale) - Static method in class
Returns a collator for use in locale-dependent comparison operations.
collator(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns a collator for use in locale-dependent comparison operations.
collator(Expression, Expression, Expression) - Static method in class
Returns a collator for use in locale-dependent comparison operations.
collator(Expression, Expression) - Static method in class
Returns a collator for use in locale-dependent comparison operations.
color(int) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.PolylineOptions
Sets the color of the polyline as a 32-bit ARGB color.
color(int) - Static method in class
Expression literal utility method to convert a color int to an color expression
colorToGlRgbaArray(int) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.ColorUtils
Converts Android color int to GL rgba float array.
colorToRgbaArray(int) - Static method in class
colorToRgbaArray(int) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.ColorUtils
Converts Android color int to rgba float array.
colorToRgbaString(int) - Static method in class
colorToRgbaString(int) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.ColorUtils
Converts Android color int to "rbga(r, g, b, a)" String equivalent.
ColorUtils - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk.utils
Color utility class.
ColorUtils() - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.ColorUtils
com.dingi.dingisdk - package com.dingi.dingisdk
com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations - package com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Annotation API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.attribution - package com.dingi.dingisdk.attribution
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Attribution API classes. - package
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Camera API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.constants - package com.dingi.dingisdk.constants
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Constant API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.exceptions - package com.dingi.dingisdk.exceptions
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Exception API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry - package com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Geometry API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.http - package com.dingi.dingisdk.http
Do not use this package.
com.dingi.dingisdk.location - package com.dingi.dingisdk.location
Contains the Dingi Location layer plugin.
com.dingi.dingisdk.location.modes - package com.dingi.dingisdk.location.modes
com.dingi.dingisdk.log - package com.dingi.dingisdk.log
com.dingi.dingisdk.maps - package com.dingi.dingisdk.maps
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Maps API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer - package com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Renderer API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.egl - package com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.egl
Contains the Dingi Maps Android EGL API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.glsurfaceview - package com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.glsurfaceview
Contains the Dingi Maps Android GLSurfaceView API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.textureview - package com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.renderer.textureview
Contains the Dingi Maps Android TextureView API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.widgets - package com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.widgets
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Widgets API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.module.http - package com.dingi.dingisdk.module.http
com.dingi.dingisdk.module.telemetry - package com.dingi.dingisdk.module.telemetry - package
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Network API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.offline - package com.dingi.dingisdk.offline
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Offline API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.snapshotter - package com.dingi.dingisdk.snapshotter
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Snapshotter API classes. - package
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Storage API classes. - package
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Expression API classes. - package
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Style Layer API classes. - package
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Style Light API classes. - package
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Style Sources API classes. - package
com.dingi.dingisdk.text - package com.dingi.dingisdk.text
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Text API classes.
com.dingi.dingisdk.utils - package com.dingi.dingisdk.utils
Contains the Dingi Maps Android Utility API classes.
Compare - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk.utils
Comparisons from std sdk, which aren't available in API level 15 and below
Compare() - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.Compare
compare(int, int) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.Compare
compare(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.Compare
compareTo(Annotation) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.Annotation
Compares this Annotation object with another Annotation.
COMPASS - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.modes.RenderMode
Tracking the user location with bearing considered from a CompassEngine.
compassEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Specifies the visibility state of a compass_icon for a map view.
CompassEngine - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.location
Interface defining the source of compass heading data that is consumed by the LocationComponent when in compass related RenderMode or CameraModes.
compassFadesWhenFacingNorth(boolean) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Specifies if the compass_icon fades to invisible when facing north.
compassGravity(int) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Specifies the gravity state of compass_icon for a map view.
compassImage(Drawable) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Specifies the image of the CompassView.
CompassListener - Interface in com.dingi.dingisdk.location
Callbacks related to the compass
compassMargins(int[]) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Specifies the margin state of compass_icon for a map view
CompassView - Class in com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.widgets
UI element overlaid on a map to show the map's bearing when it isn't true north (0.0).
CompassView(Context) - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.widgets.CompassView
CompassView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.widgets.CompassView
CompassView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.widgets.CompassView
concat(Expression...) - Static method in class
Returns a string consisting of the concatenation of the inputs.
concat(String...) - Static method in class
Returns a string consisting of the concatenation of the inputs.
CONNECTION_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.http.HttpRequest
ConnectivityListener - Interface in
Receives updates on connectivity state
ConnectivityReceiver - Class in
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when connectivity changes.
contains(LatLng) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLngBounds
Determines whether this LatLngBounds contains a point.
contains(LatLngBounds) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLngBounds
Determines whether this LatLngBounds contains another bounds.
ConversionException - Exception in com.dingi.dingisdk.exceptions
A ConversionException is thrown when a conversion failed to execute.
ConversionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.dingi.dingisdk.exceptions.ConversionException
convert(JsonArray) - Static method in class
Converts a JsonArray to an expression
convert(String) - Static method in class
Converts a raw expression to a DSL equivalent.
Converter() - Constructor for class
cos(Expression) - Static method in class
Returns the cosine of the input.
cos(Number) - Static method in class
Returns the cosine of the input.
createAttributionString() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.attribution.AttributionParser
Get parsed attribution string.
createAttributionString(boolean) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.attribution.AttributionParser
Get parsed attribution string.
createBitmapFromView(View) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.BitmapUtils
Convert a view to a bitmap.
createFragmentArgs(DingiMapOptions) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.utils.MapFragmentUtils
Convert DingiMapOptions to a bundle of fragment arguments.
createFromAttributes(Context, int) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponentOptions
Construct a new Location Component Options class using the attributes found within a style resource.
createFromAttributes(Context, AttributeSet) - Static method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Creates a DingiMapsOptions from the attribute set.s
createHttpRequest() - Method in interface com.dingi.dingisdk.ModuleProvider
Create a new concrete implementation of HttpRequest.
createHttpRequest() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.ModuleProviderImpl
createOfflineRegion(OfflineRegionDefinition, byte[], OfflineManager.CreateOfflineRegionCallback) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineManager
Create an offline region in the database.
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.MarkerOptions
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.MarkerViewOptions
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.PolygonOptions
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.annotations.PolylineOptions
CREATOR - Static variable in class
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLng
Inner class responsible for recreating Parcels into objects.
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLngBounds
Inner class responsible for recreating Parcels into objects.
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLngQuad
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.LatLngSpan
Inner class responsible for recreating Parcels into objects.
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.ProjectedMeters
Inner class responsible for recreating Parcels into objects.
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.geometry.VisibleRegion
Inner class responsible for recreating Parcels into objects.
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.location.LocationComponentOptions
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineGeometryRegionDefinition
CREATOR - Static variable in class com.dingi.dingisdk.offline.OfflineTilePyramidRegionDefinition
crossSourceCollisions(boolean) - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMapOptions
Enable cross-source symbol collision detection, defaults to true.
cubicBezier(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) - Static method in class
Interpolates using the cubic bezier curve defined by the given control points.
cubicBezier(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Static method in class
Interpolates using the cubic bezier curve defined by the given control points.
CustomGeometrySource - Class in
Custom Vector Source, allows using FeatureCollections.
CustomGeometrySource(String, GeometryTileProvider) - Constructor for class
Create a CustomGeometrySource
CustomGeometrySource(String, CustomGeometrySourceOptions, GeometryTileProvider) - Constructor for class
Create a CustomGeometrySource with non-default CustomGeometrySourceOptions.
CustomGeometrySourceOptions - Class in
Builder class for composing CustomGeometrySource objects.
CustomGeometrySourceOptions() - Constructor for class
CustomLayer - Class in
Custom layer.
CustomLayer(String, long) - Constructor for class
cycleDebugOptions() - Method in class com.dingi.dingisdk.maps.DingiMap
Cycles through the map debug options.
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