
@interface DingiComputedShapeSource : DingiSource

DingiComputedShapeSource is a map content source that supplies vector shapes, one tile at a time, to be shown on the map on demand. You implement a class conforming to the DingiComputedShapeSourceDataSource protocol that returns instances of DingiShape or DingiFeature, then add a computed shape source to an DingiStyle object along with an DingiVectorStyleLayer object. The vector style layer defines the appearance of any content supplied by the computed shape source.

DingiComputedShapeSource is similar to DingiShapeSource but is optimized for data sets that change dynamically or are too large to fit completely in memory. It is also useful for data that is divided into tiles in a format other than Mapbox Vector Tiles. For GeoJSON data, use the DingiShapeSource class. For static tiles or Mapbox Vector Tiles, use the DingiVectorTileSource class.

You can add and remove sources dynamically using methods such as -[DingiStyle addSource:] and -[DingiStyle sourceWithIdentifier:]. This class cannot be represented in a style JSON file; you must add it ot the style at runtime.