
@interface DingiShapeCollection : DingiShape

An DingiShapeCollection object represents a shape consisting of zero or more distinct but related shapes that are instances of DingiShape. The constituent shapes can be a mixture of different kinds of shapes.

DingiShapeCollection is most commonly used to add multiple shapes to a single DingiShapeSource. Configure the appearance of an DingiShapeSource’s or DingiVectorTileSource’s shape collection collectively using an DingiSymbolStyleLayer object, or use multiple instances of DingiCircleStyleLayer, DingiFillStyleLayer, and DingiLineStyleLayer to configure the appearance of each kind of shape inside the collection.

You cannot add an DingiShapeCollection object directly to a map view as an annotation. However, you can create individual DingiPointAnnotation, DingiPolyline, and DingiPolygon objects from the shapes array and add those annotation objects to the map view using the -[DingiMapView addAnnotations:] method.

To represent a collection of point, polyline, or polygon shapes, it may be more convenient to use an DingiPointCollection, DingiMultiPolyline, or DingiMultiPolygon object, respectively. To access a shape collection’s attributes, use the corresponding DingiFeature object.

A shape collection is known as a GeometryCollection geometry in GeoJSON.

  • An array of shapes forming the shape collection.



    @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSArray<DingiShape *> *_Nonnull shapes;


    var shapes: [DingiShape] { get }
  • Creates and returns a shape collection consisting of the given shapes.



    + (nonnull instancetype)shapeCollectionWithShapes:
        (nonnull NSArray<DingiShape *> *)shapes;


    convenience init(shapes: [DingiShape])



    The array of shapes defining the shape collection. The data in this array is copied to the new object.

    Return Value

    A new shape collection object.